What is Hypnotherapy?

At Northern Skies Hypnotherapy, we believe that once you learn to access your subconscious mind, you hold the key to creating the life you truly desire. My role isn’t to work miracles; instead, I’m here as a facilitator, guiding you to make powerful changes using the strength of your own mind.

Debunking the Myths of Hypnotherapy

When clients first come to see me, it’s common for them to have some misconceptions about what hypnosis really is. Some might think that I can control their thoughts, make them do things against their will, or even read their minds. Others worry about getting stuck in a trance. I want to assure you that none of these fears are true.

Your Free Will is Paramount

Hypnosis is a state that you enter into willingly. Unlike the stage shows you might have seen, where participants are aware they’re part of a performance and are highly suggestible, therapeutic hypnosis is entirely different. If you don’t want to be hypnotised, you won’t be — it’s as simple as that.

Your Subconscious Mind: A Guardian of Your Well-being

Your subconscious mind is designed to protect you. Its primary function is to keep you safe, which means it will never accept suggestions that could be harmful or put you at risk. During hypnosis, you remain in full control; you will never reveal anything you don’t want to share, and you’ll only express what you’re comfortable with.

The Natural State of Hypnosis

The hypnotic state is very much like daydreaming. It’s a natural, relaxed state of mind, and just like a daydream, you can’t get stuck in it. If anything were to happen during your session, you would naturally come out of the trance on your own.

The Science Behind Hypnotherapy

There’s a common myth that hypnotherapy isn’t a legitimate clinical practice, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, there’s a wealth of scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness, recognised by major medical organisations such as the British Medical Association and the American Medical Association.

Hypnotherapy has been shown to be highly effective in managing anxiety, pain, assisting with labor and childbirth, and relieving symptoms of conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, among other benefits. It’s a powerful, natural resource that we all have access to and we need to take it seriously

Creating the Life You Want

As Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right." Your thoughts have incredible power. At Northern Skies Hypnotherapy, we help you tap into this power by getting clear on what you truly want and then visualising it in your mind. By engaging all your senses—seeing, hearing, and feeling your desired outcome—you begin to rewire the neural pathways in your brain, setting the foundation for real change.

The biggest challenge many people face is believing that it can be this simple. Too often, we accept our lives as they are, thinking we have no control. But the truth is, with an open mind and belief in yourself, you can create the life you want.

Take the First Step Today

If you’re ready to take control and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of, I’m here to help guide you on that journey. All it takes is a willingness to explore the possibilities within your own mind. At Northern Skies Hypnotherapy, I’m committed to demystifying hypnosis and showcasing its true potential as a therapeutic tool. Hypnosis is a pathway to self-improvement and healing, grounded in science and psychology. If you're curious to learn more or ready to experience the benefits of hypnotherapy, I’m here to help you.