Hypnotherapy for managing anxiety 

Using hypnotherapy I can help you break free from anxiety, stress & panic attacks

Do you often experience your stomach is churning, constant butterflies, shortness of breath and feeling dizzy and light-headed?  Sometimes you may hyperventilate, have a dry mouth, clammy hands or have a rapid heartbeat and palpitations.  If you suffer from panic attacks you may sometimes feel you are having a heart attack or dying. All these symptoms you experience, can be frightening, overwhelming and prevent you from having a ‘normal’ social life and may even affect your employment.

This anxiety is driven by you unconcious mind (the part that regulates blinking, heart rate, blood pressure) automatically.  This part of the mind is trying to protect you for a reason but it is but it is not good at trying to decide if the threat is real or not. If you take someone with an irrational fear of spiders for example, they would probably scream and panic at the sight of a real spider or a bit of fluff uon the floor. For that for a split second, they think is a spider although it is just some fluff. So the Fight, Flight, Fear response kicks is with many of the symptoms mentioned above. Whether this danger is real or imagined is unimportant because something in the environment triggers your anxious response and it feels real to you.

Anxiety usually appears during the teens or early adulthood and while the exact causes are unclear, there does seem to be a connection with life transitions that are potentially stressful: leaving school, having an intimidating or bullying boss, getting married, moving to a new house and so on.  Normally it starts with a particular event that scares the subconscious.  The subconscious has one task in life and that is to keep you safe.  If something should scare you (or even embarrass you deeply) the subconscious will seek to avoid the same type or similar situations.  There is also evidence for a genetic predisposition; if a family member has suffered from anxiety you have an increased risk, especially during a time in your life that is particularly stressful.

But these symptoms don’t have to be permanent!

How can hypnotherapy help with anxiety, stress and panic attacks?

Hypnotherapy targets the processes we have learned (habits we have go into).  For instance, how can you unlearn how to ride a bike, throw a ball, tie your shoelaces? It is the same for anxiety and panic attacks. Once you have learned these processes it is difficult to unlearn them on your own. This is where hypnotherapy for anxiety and panic comes in.  It is able to access these subconscious processes, help you unlearn them and find a better way of facing situations in the future.

I work with you to remove the underlying anxiety and the beliefs surrounding it, providing you with a freedom you may not have experienced for years.

Unwanted Habits

Habits: The Good, The Bad, and The Transformable

Humans may naturally develop habits as a way to make our lives easier and more comfortable. However, not all habits serve us positively; some can lead to adverse effects, influencing our self-esteem, health, and daily functioning. Often exacerbated during stressful times, these habits can become automatic coping mechanisms, sometimes so ingrained that we're not even conscious of them. Unfortunately, even when the stress diminishes, these habits may persist.

Stress, Anxiety, and Habit Development

During periods of stress and anxiety, our bodies generate excess nervous energy as a preparedness measure for perceived threats. In modern life, where escape from everyday stressors is not as straightforward as fleeing from a wild animal as it was many years ago, this tension often translates into repetitive behaviors. These can include nail-biting, hair-pulling, fidgeting, skin-picking, blushing and teeth-grinding.

The Impact of Undesirable Habits

Unwanted habits can be sources of embarrassment, frustration, and diminished confidence. These behaviors not only affect our mental health but can also have physical repercussions and alter our appearance.

The Origins of Habit Formation

Habits can emerge at any stage of life, often as responses to various situations. Some habits begin in childhood, like thumb-sucking or nose-picking, and while many outgrow these behaviors, others carry them into adulthood.

Hypnotherapy: Rewriting the Habit Narrative

Hypnotherapy offers a powerful avenue for breaking the cycle of unwanted habits. Altering thought and behavior patterns, equips individuals with the skills to manage stress responses healthily. Through hypnotherapy, clients can learn relaxation techniques and develop positive coping strategies, enabling them to overcome entrenched habits and regain control over their actions.

Unwanted habits helped with hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a valuable tool for addressing various unwanted habits. When you commit to hypnotherapy, it can help with the following habits, among others. This list is not comprehensive but serves as an example of some of the typical habits I help clients overcome. It's important to note that we don't work with habits related to recreational drugs or alcohol. Feel free to contact me if you have a habit that isn't listed here, and we can discuss whether hypnotherapy could benefit you.

Nail biting/skin biting/Hair pulling/eyelash pulling (Trichotillomania)/Skin picking/Teeth grinding (Bruxism)/Lip/cheek biting/Blushing/Nose picking/Thumb sucking.


Phobias and the Brain: Understanding and Overcoming Irrational Fears

As humans, our brains are wired to recognise and respond to danger, a trait that has been crucial throughout our evolution. For instance, we've learned to be cautious around modern hazards like cars, instinctively looking both ways before crossing the street to ensure our safety. However, this protective mechanism can sometimes misfire, leading our brains to mistakenly label harmless situations or objects as threats.

The Brain's Fear Circuitry: Amygdala and Hippocampus

At the heart of our fear responses are two key brain structures: the Amygdala and the Hippocampus. The Amygdala plays a pivotal role in triggering the 'fight, flight or freeze' response when we perceive a threat. Meanwhile, the Hippocampus is responsible for storing our learned reactions to these situations, creating a database of behavioral patterns that our brains draw upon in similar future scenarios.

The Cycle of Fear and Phobia Development

Consider the example of encountering a dog spider or seemingly irrational fears like the fear of TV aerials! If you felt anxious during your last encounter, your brain is likely to repeat this fear response in future similar situations. This cycle can evolve into a phobia, where the fear becomes intense and irrational, deeply embedded in your brain's response system. If you have a phobia it can be incredibly frustrating and it can severely impact your life, even stopping you from doing the things you really desire). Current coping mechanisms, such as avoidance behaviours, may have been developed, but these can reinforce the fear.

Breaking the Cycle with Hypnotherapy

The good news is that just as our brains have learned these fear associations, they can also unlearn them. Hypnotherapy offers a path to rewriting these ingrained patterns. Through guided hypnosis, we can access the subconscious mind, allowing us to address and reshape these deep-seated fears. With repetition and the establishment of new behavioral patterns, hypnotherapy can cultivate a sense of calm and control, even in previously anxiety-inducing situations.

Smoking/Vaping cessation

Smoking and vaping are prevalent forms of nicotine dependence, but this is NOT an addiction.

The Health and financial Impacts of Smoking and Vaping

Both smoking and vaping have detrimental health effects. Smoking contributes to a myriad of diseases, and vaping, despite being marketed as a less harmful alternative (which is true), has its own set of risks, including potential lung damage. The financial impact of smoking on an individual can not be understated either. For an adult smoking 20 cigarettes (1 packet) a day in 2024, the cost yearly would be £4700 or to put it another way - a 14 night all inclusive cruise around the Caribbean for 2 people (with change left over)!

Nicotine creates a powerful dependency, encompassing both physical cravings and psychological habits. For many, smoking or vaping is a deeply ingrained part of daily routines and percieved coping mechanisms, making quitting a complex challenge.

Hypnotherapy to quit

Hypnotherapy offers a comprehensive approach to quitting smoking and vaping, addressing the physical and psychological facets of addiction. By targeting the subconscious mind, it aims to alter perceptions and behaviors associated with nicotine use.

The Hypnotherapy Approach

The process involves understanding individual habits, triggers, and motivations. Through hypnotherapy, a shift in subconscious perceptions about smoking and vaping occurs, reducing cravings and making the act less appealing. This approach also provides strategies for managing withdrawal symptoms.

Support and Commitment

Success in quitting depends on the individual's dedication and the support received. Hypnotherapy is a collaborative effort, with the therapist providing guidance and the individual actively engaging in their journey towards a healthier lifestyle. It is important that the individual wants to quit and is not just doing it for a loved one or because the GP said they should - this is vitally important

A Healthier, Smoke-Free Life

Quitting smoking or vaping is a formidable challenge, but achievable with the right support and tools. Hypnotherapy is a powerful method, targeting the addiction's root and facilitating a mindset shift towards a healthier life. Choosing hypnotherapy signifies a commitment to a healthier, nicotine-free existence.

Note: This session typically takes 1 and a half hours

Weight Loss and weight management

Weight loss and management are challenges faced by many, and achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can be complex. Hypnotherapy offers a unique, controlled, and safe approach to this journey, addressing the underlying psychological factors contributing to weight issues.

Weight loss is not just about diet and exercise; it's deeply intertwined with an individual’s psychological state. Factors like emotional eating, stress, low self-esteem, and unhealthy habits play significant roles. Hypnotherapy addresses these underlying issues, providing a more holistic and sustainable approach to weight loss.

The Role of Hypnotherapy in Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy for weight loss focuses on reprogramming the subconscious mind to change negative habits and behaviors related to eating and exercise. It helps in identifying and altering deep-seated beliefs and emotions that lead to unhealthy eating patterns, such as using food as a coping mechanism for stress or emotional discomfort.

Creating a Positive Relationship with Food

One of the key aspects of hypnotherapy in weight management is developing a healthier relationship with food. This involves changing perceptions about eating, moving away from viewing food as a source of comfort or reward, and adopting a more balanced and mindful approach to nutrition and exercise.

Stress Management for Weight Control

Stress and anxiety can often lead to overeating or unhealthy eating habits. Hypnotherapy aids in effective stress management, which is crucial for weight control. By learning relaxation techniques and stress-relieving strategies, individuals can prevent stress-related eating and make healthier choices.

Boosting Motivation and Self-Esteem

Hypnotherapy helps in boosting motivation and self-esteem, essential components for successful weight loss. By enhancing self-confidence and creating a positive self-image, individuals are more likely to stick to their weight loss goals and engage in healthy lifestyle choices.

A customised Hypnotherapy Approach

Each individual’s weight loss journey is unique, and hypnotherapy offers personalised sessions tailored to specific needs and goals. Whether it's addressing snacking habits, portion control, sugar cravings, or motivation for physical activity, hypnotherapy provides targeted interventions.

Sustainable Weight Management Strategies

Beyond initial weight loss, hypnotherapy equips individuals with strategies for long-term weight management. It helps in establishing healthy habits and routines that are sustainable, preventing the common cycle of weight regain.

Safe and Controlled Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy offers a safe and controlled approach to weight loss, free from the risks associated with extreme diets or medical interventions. It promotes gradual, healthy weight loss that respects the body’s natural balance and needs.


Trauma can vary greatly in its form and intensity, ranging from single incidents like accidents or natural disasters, to prolonged experiences such as abuse or warfare. Karl Smith, a famous British hypnotist, argues that there is no such this as PTSD from a single event, but rather an accumulation of life events , with the final event being the ‘tipping point’. Responses to these events can be characterised by symptoms like flashbacks, severe anxiety, uncontrollable thoughts about the event, and emotional numbing.

The Brain's Response to Trauma: Amygdala and Hippocampus

Two critical areas of the brain, the Amygdala and the Hippocampus, play vital roles in the development of PTSD. The Amygdala, responsible for processing emotions, becomes hyperactive, leading to heightened fear and anxiety responses. The Hippocampus, involved in memory formation and retrieval, is often impaired inthose experiencing PTSD, complicating the processing and integration of traumatic memories.

Content-Free Hypnotherapy for Trauma and PTSD

Traditional therapy methods for trauma often involve recounting and processing the traumatic event. However, this can be re-traumatising for some individuals. 'Content-free' hypnotherapy offers an alternative, allowing clients to process without needing to disclose specific details of their trauma. This approach focuses on altering the emotional and physiological responses associated with the trauma, rather than the trauma narrative itself.

The Process of Content-Free Hypnotherapy

In content-free hypnotherapy, the therapist guides the client into a relaxed, hypnotic state. Instead of discussing the trauma, the focus is on the client's emotional state and symptoms. The therapist works with the client to identify and shift any NEGATIVE FITES (Fears, Images. Thoughts, Emotions or Sensations) and promote a sense of safety and calm.

Building Resilience and Coping Skills

This form of therapy also focuses on building resilience and coping skills., teaching other techniques for managing anxiety and stress, it helps clients develop healthier responses to future triggers and reduces the impact of symptoms on daily life.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Using hypnotherapy I can help you manage irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and break free from its limitations

All clients will have been given a diagnosis of IBS already and may have been through several medications and therapies. Living with IBS is miserable – stomach pains, cramps, bloating, constipation or never wanting to be far from the toilet. This has a detrimental impact on your social, relationships and work life.

​The exact causes are unknown. IBS sufferers usually have no physical abnormalities in the bowel so it has been suggested that there is a strong link between stress, trauma and emotional upset.  What seems to happen is that the bowel becomes super sensitive and responds with violent contractions or spasms.  It is these symptoms that can be alleviated using hypnotherapy.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Hypnotherapy

IBS, a common gastrointestinal disorder, often eludes traditional medical treatments. Hypnotherapy has emerged as a promising approach to managing IBS symptoms and is recommended by the NHS in the UK. By reducing stress and anxiety, which are known to exacerbate IBS, hypnotherapy can alleviate symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, and irregular bowel movements. It works by targeting the gut-brain axis, promoting relaxation, and normalizing digestive processes.

How can hypnotherapy help with IBS?


Hypnotherapy could help in the following ways:

  • Helping you to relax, easing the symptoms if they are triggered by stress

  • Teaching you powerful visualisation techniques to imagine relief for your symptoms

  • Programming in a new positive reaction to stress triggers